In the Path of Totality | The Simons Foundation

A 3,000-person viewing party in Austin, Texas. An eclipse-themed drag show in Spencer, Indiana. An immersive art installation in Erie, Pennsylvania. A mobile science lab in the Ozarks of Arkansas. These were just some of the settings for the April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse that swept across the United States.
Director & Series Producer: Jenny Catherall
Production Company: People’s Television | Director of Photography: Troy Vetri | Cam Op: Andrew Maso | Austin Producer: Grant Parsons| Editor: Nick Trenum | Colorist: Anthony Campagna | Sound Mix & Design: Emile Klein

Learn how Jonathan and Jacob Balash and the entire Spencer Pride family engage people with science in ways that affirm Queer identity and build community during the April 8th, 2024 total solar eclipse.
Director & Producer: Jenny Catherall
Production Company: People’s Television | Director of Photography: Troy Vetri | Field Producer: Austin Francalancia | Cam Op: Jacob Nobbe | Sound: Zach Thorpe | PA: Ally Wolfgang | Editor: Nick Trenum | Colorist: Anthony Campagna | Sound Miix & Design: Emile Klein

Profile of Erie, PA, FEED Media Art Center and “Eclipsing Stars,” a collaboration between artist Alex “LoneSav” Staley and astrophysicist Moiya McTier.
Director: Jenny Catherall
Production Company: People’s Television | Director of Photography: Troy Vetri | Producer: Adam Simon| Cam Op: Hudson Tran | Sound: Parker Colt | PA: Drew Kolek | Editor: Nick Trenum | Colorist: Anthony Campagna | Sound Mix & Design: Emile Klein

Launch announcement for the Simons Foundation’s 2024 “In the Path of Totality” campaign
Senior Creative Producer & Co-Writer: Jenny Catherall
Directors: Katy Wang & Gabriel Greenough | Executive Producer: Nicholas Bruckman | Creative Producer & Co-Writer: Adam Simon | Sound Design & Mix: Jennifer Pague | VO: Rosa Howard